UCF - 2017 College Football Champions
As a reminder, this is a ranking of the total body of work for each team from the season. It's not predictive, but it does tell you, based on each team's wins and losses, who had the best overall season.
Top 25 (Explanation; Full Ranking)
- UCF (nc)
- Wisconsin (+2)
- Georgia (nc)
- Alabama (+1)
- Penn State (+3)
- Ohio State (nc)
- Oklahoma (nc)
- TCU (+6)
- Clemson (nc)
- Memphis (-8)
- Oklahoma State (+5)
- Northwestern (+9)
- Michigan State (+10)
- Iowa (+10)
- Miami (-5)
- Notre Dame (+6)
- Auburn (+1)
- Mississippi State (+10)
- USC (-8)
- Army (+6)
- San Diego State (-9)
- South Carolina (+8)
- Washington (-8)
- Stanford (-11)
- Michigan (-8)